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New Chord Progressive Theorem - Swaroop Dora

Hey genius minds, this is Swaroop Dora welcoming you to Mind Your Concept. I found a nice Theorem of chords of a circle-  New Chord Progressive Theorem New Chord Progressive Theorem Theorem : If in a circle 3 Chord origin from a common point and angle between them is given. Then the following relation holds Zsin(α+ß)=Xsinß+Ysinα New Chord Progressive Theorem proof Spacial Case For Chord Progressive Theorem If α and ß are given same then  Z=(x+y)/(2cosα).  Conclusion Hope you like this Theorem. Thank you for reading my new work. Share it with your friends and family. Important links Visit my Instagram page for fun and interesting math puzzles by Swaroop Dora  @MindYourConcept   This Theorem I have used in my proof  Ptolemy's Theorem

Interesting geometry puzzle - Two regular polygon and a triangle

Hallo everyone I am Swaroop Dora welcoming you to Mind Your Concept. This question is very interesting. Please give this a try and comment your answer below.


As shown in figure in a regular hexagon of area 12 cm² two point on adjacent edges are chosen and a equilateral triangle is drawn on those point. Find the area of the red triangle which is form by joining one vertex of blue triangle and two vertex of hexagon? Note relative position of points are important!


Our Solution:

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Solutions sent to us:

  1. by @ilarrosac from twitter
  2. Interesting geometry puzzle solution by @vandyousefi
    by @vandyousefi from instagram
  3. intersting geometry problem solution by @RonySarker71 from twitter
    @RonySarker71 from twitter

  4. Red triangle, move the Left most vertex to the centre of the hexagon, and we have the same area - 1/2 x base x height. That is an equilateral triangle which makes up a 1/6 of the hexagon. Area = 12/6 = 2. :) --- by @RAnForr784 from twitter
